Friday, December 19, 2008

Dec. 19 Friday. Only 6 days left

Well we are back to being Utahans again. Will had a very uneventful trip up here, thank you God. The snow held off until he got here. The people who transported him were very nice. He's in a nice room and they have a cot for me so we are all doing fine. We have meetings all set up for tomorrow with all sorts of drs., but our favorite, Dr. Cahill, will be here in the morning along with all the other interns that come for this reason and that. We are back to a teaching hospital and that comes with the territory.

My students haven't driven my sub crazy yet. He has reported to me that they are ready for vacation which, as any teacher can tell you right now, they all are. I miss them.

We have had several people pop up from the other floors that we have been on. There has been messages from others that said they will be up after Will gets settled in. So good to see them but we already miss the quiet hospital in Boise.

I probably should start my Christmas shopping this weekend. Right?? I love the hustle and bustle of the last minute shoppers. I already have Will's room decorated. So we are settled. I will blog lots tomorrow but tonight I'm tired. Thank you all for your prayers. God is good and has shown His love once again.

God bless

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