Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jan 31, 2009 Sat. LAST DAY OF JANUARY!

Will had therapy today and Kevin really worked him hard. They are working on endurance so he walked the hallway for almost the whole 30 min. My Aunt Gloria brought over some fresh fruit from their orchard. Our neighbors and friends, Wayne and Lyn Ills, brought us over some food for dinner. It was very, very good. Willie even ate the pork chops and he doesn't usually like them. (Well, that didn't come out right, but you know what I mean).

Will's Aunt Carol and Uncle Jack came over from Jerome to visit. They have been trying to get over but it's sometimes crazy around here, also working around dialysis days take away whole days. I will take Will to dialysis tomorrow and let Tom have some alone time. My mom is staying a few more days here until the Dr. releases her to go to her house. She's doing so much better and I want to thank everybody for the prayers and caring you have shown her. '

God bless

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