Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sat. Feb. 28, 2009 Last day of February!

Will had a great day today, one of his best yet. He walked outside, down the lane and then he turned left and went to the main road in front of our house. He walked back to the beginning of our lane and then Tom picked him up on the four wheeler. Will drove it home, I can just imagine how funny that was. I think it is good that we live out of town. Safer that way. I will try to get a video of him doing this again. I didn't get to see it either. He also walked for 7 minutes on the treadmill. This is his best workout yet and the physical therapist couldn't even be here because he had a cold and didn't dare get by Will (good call).

Last year was crazy but something good happened also. Angel and Aaron got married on leap day (Feb. 29) so I asked them when they were going to celebrate their anniversary. They decided it was going to be on March 1st. So on Sunday they will celebrate their first year anniversary. They sure love their new house and Aaron's mom and Steve are visiting from Boise. They brought up Candace so everything worked well.

Coach is going to take Will to dialysis Saturday. They enjoy that time so they can talk about everything, everything really means basketball. Have a great weekend.


1 comment:

Haneys said...

Happy Anniversary, Angel and Aaron! Hope you have a great one!