Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Father's Day
And to all you great fathers out there-take the day off and enjoy yourself. It's tough being a daddy.
I will get pictures up here from our Oregon trip asap.
My sister, two nieces, and Jeffery, my great-nephew are up from California visiting us for the week. Fun times ahead.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Vacation time
For those of you that know us, Tom and I haven't taken very many vacations. This is all new to us. But we are leaving tomorrow morning for the Oregon Coast, Lincoln, Oregon. We also get to take Aaron, Angel, our big sweetheart, Candace, and our little sweetheart, Kayli. What fun we will have!!!!!!
We rented a house for five nights. We will have a great time and I will put wonderful pictures on here to bore you with. We tried to do this vacation four different times the last four years before Will went to Salt Lake for his transplant. Something always came up-Will was either too sick or in the hospital. Wasn't meant to be. So now we are going and it will be good.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
It was really nice to be able to give the scholarships out at the gym. The only bad thing was that it was at 7:00 in the MORNING. I know Will is probably just shaking his head because he didn't really know there was a seven in the morning. But it was nice, lots of people (all the seniors and their parents) so the gym was full. They were giving out lots of big scholarships too. Of course, Will's was the most special scholarship. What a great way to keep his memory alive. I'm glad that the Clark's thought of it. Every year we will be doing it.
This is one of the sweetest, don't you think??? She sure loves her Grandpa sooooooo much.
We just passed the six month mark since Will's been gone from us. Doesn't seem possible. It sometimes seems like yesterday because we have so many memories surrounding us and then sometimes it seems like years. I guess that's normal for anyone who has lost someone.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
National Nurses Week
Right now there is a nurse helping a woman become a mom, a nurse holding the hand of a dying man, a nurse inserting an IV in a child, a nurse listening to an altzheimers patient tell a story of long ago, a nurse missing their family while caring for yours. In the minute it took you to read this nurses all over the world are saving lives. May 6-12 is National Nurses week - thank a nurse!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This is the cutest picture of all. This was taken after Sunrise Service. She's all tuckered out. How sweet is that??
I hope everyone had a terrific Easter and we will be getting more pictures up here. By the way Tom and I had a good time on Spring Break. We spent a few days in Mesquite and a couple days in Vegas. Vegas probably won't be my favorite place to spend time, but it was a blast to watch all the strange (and I do mean strange) people there. We love our new car, it made the trip so easy.
God Bless you all.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
March 11, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Kayli turned six months old on the 9th of February. Happy half year birthday little girl.
Here is Kayli getting her church clothes on. This is a little outfit Grandma picked up for her. It even had a little feather hat for her to wear. She was so stylin'.
is Aaron's team playing the Super Bowl. Even though the Colts didn't win, Aaron was proud of his team just getting there.
Here is little Kayli all bundled up for our first walk in the stroller. Angel and I took her to visit the nursing home right down the street. Boy, was she a hit. We need to do more of that because it made their day. (and of course, Kayli loved the attention because she doesn't get enough of it at home. hee hee)
Just another cute picture-she is almost always like this. She loves life. I think we could all learn from her.
It has been a while since I have put anything on here. We have been going forward in this thing called life. Getting stuff taken care of. One of the most important things has been writing the scholarship application for Will's memorial scholarship. We are so proud of that and we will let you all know when we award that to a young man and young woman from Jerome High School.
This has been a rough week. Some weeks are just better than others. We had to finalize Will's headstone and pick out a "perfect" picture out of hundreds and hundreds to go on the bench. That was rough because there isn't just one. We tried to find one that showed his funny, honery side. If you all know him, you know what "look" we were looking for. We are hoping that they will be able to set his stone bench before his birthday in April. Then we finished writing the scholarship application description of Will. That was harder than you would think. We had to put his "description" in a couple of paragraphs. Well, I could write a book about that so we really had our work cut out for us. It came out good, I hope.
When someone who gives your life meaning dies, it makes you feel lost.
No matter how much you have prepared for it----you're not prepared.
No matter how many words we were allowed to share at the end,
there were still things we didn't get to say.
Someone who has brought us joy and laughter is not here anymore,
Life is not the same and sometimes it just hurts.
But then......Kayli smiles and we know how good life is again.
I want to share with some of you what I have been pondering. (Some of you already have been led down this road.)
Nothing but the great "bumps in the road" that we have experienced, would have ever led us to know God as we have, and to draw from Him the measure of peace we have needed to continue on during these times. I am so glad that Will came to know what was waiting for him. That gives this mother's heart peace, most of the time. Our God is so awesome and I thank Him for the blessings He has given us.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
This is Kayli in her new high chair that Grandma and Grandpa have at their house. We almost lost her in that chair. She looks so small but she is growing so quickly.
She's eating it all by herself. She LOVES them.
This was the reason the family went to the game tonight. The school put up a permanent memorial board right underneath the score board in Will's honor.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I guess I just know this is Will's blog and there's not much to say. Maybe a few things now and then that are meaningful. Will's team the Dallas Cowboys are still in the running and doing great so all of you can cheer them on for Will. After the last game, Matt (our nephew) called and said Will is grinning big and chewing on a red vine right now. That's a great picture to put in our head, isn't it. Makes you smile.
Like maybe I will blog in a few weeks because we are getting ready to set up the "guidelines" on Will's scholarship. We have been raising money and we think we have enough to offer TWO scholarships, one for a boy and one for a girl. This is soooooooooooo special. We are very excited to be a part of something that will impact students and remind people what Will was all about. We will have a few other people helping along with Angel and Aaron. But we were trying to decide what GPA to put on the requirements and Brent told me that we needed it to be at least 3.5. The reason being is that Will ALWAYS had high standards and there is no reason that his scholarship shouldn't continue with that. I like that. Something of his 'standards' being carried on. He was always on his team to be better-do better in school. Will knew that that was the cornerstone that you had to build your life.
Even though Will is gone from us, he's still able to influence young minds. What a great memorial to him. I pray that we can keep this scholarship going every year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Here is one of my favorites of all. This is the "cousins" cracking up when I'm trying to take a picture. I know Will is with them laughing just as hard. I really felt him then because that is just what he would have done. Couldn't hardly ever get a serious "cousin" picture.
Below: Here is another favorite. My two bestest girls in the Christmas moment. How cute are they??
Let the spirit of love fill your hearts and homes. In this most wonderful of seasons I hope you find many reasons for happiness.
There is no time more fitting to say "Thank You" and to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a New Year of health, happiness and prosperity.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
(Thank you for letting us use them on the blog.)
I know your days are extremely difficult without your son. I just still cannot imagine what you are going through.
Just think, this year Will is spending this Christmas with the Main Man. Wow, what a Christmas that is going to be! I am sure that Will is going to have some big surprises to share with him, most importantly the love that has surrounded him and his family. God will be proud and happy that Will spread the word while he was here on earth, touched so many lives, and humbled us all with his great spirit. What a wonderful Christmas gift he has given to all of us. I love you Terri,
You do not know me and neither did Will. My name is Katie. I worked at St. Lukes on the 4th floor for about 2 yrs until this summer. I just wanted to let you know that because of Dixie and Virginia I kept up with Wills blog. I think that you and Will are strong and amazing people and I am very touched with your story. After I moved I still kept up with Wills blog every couple of weeks and I am just finding out today about your loss. I guess I just wanted to let you know that Will touched the lives of people that he never met. When I turned 21 this summer I became a donor. Not just because of Will but I think that he might have had a little part of it.
God Bless. I hope your family is doing well.
Katie Davis
P.S. Your Granddaughter may be the cutest baby I have ever seen!!! I work in the NICU so I have seen my fair share of cute babies!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Also a first this week, Kayli ate her first solid food-rice cereal and a little bit of applesauce. She loved it-well, whatever she got in her mouth, she loved.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I know quite a few people are very worried about our family during the holidays. It isn't easy and I know the hard part isn't going to be behind us for quite a while, but we have each other (and I thank God for that every day) and we will get through the holidays. I am not saying that there aren't days, or nights, that are incredibly hard to handle, and that I just wish we could go away and hide. It is usually the little things that catch us off guard. There are many people that have lost a close, loved one like we have that are reading this and know what we are talking about. We are not alone in this walk, but not everyone can go through it the same way. Some take a different road. We just know, without a doubt, that God will get us through these bad times. We will make it.
I will admit (although I probably shouldn't) that there are nights that the pain is so strong that I don't think I can take my next breath, but the breath comes anyway. I know that other mothers that have lost their child feel the same way. But when I check back into the "real" world, there are many, many blessings that my family and I can remember and use to continue on. God does that for us every time. That is when our great "Healer" comes to us. He is amazing!! God reminds us of all the wonderful things in our life that have been given to us. The #1 "gift" is our sweet daughter, wonderful son-in-law, and the most SPECIAL, SPECIAL little baby.
The world just seems to be a different place without Will. I know if you are reading this, you probably feel the same way. But it's still a beautiful world with many sweet, caring people in it and happy things all around us. Many of our friends and family have asked me to keep the blog going with some of our feelings over the holidays that might help other people that have lost a loved one. I don't know if I can do that because my mind is just in survival mode right now, but maybe later sometime. We don't know what we will be doing for Christmas yet but I will let you all know when we know. I hope everyone gets their tree up soon.
We have such a loving family that still calls us every day and makes sure that we know we are loved. What a great feeling. We will surround us with this love during the holidays and the pain won't be so unbearable. I know that Will's most favored day in the whole year is Christmas so we have many, many great memories to hold on to. He loved the whole decorating, wrapping, shopping and visiting that we always did during this time. Now we will make new memories.
I will write more later, next week probably.
God bless and I hope everyone keeps Jesus in the season.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday before Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Harbison Family:
My name is Melissa. I was the student nurse that did my care plan on Will. The Texan, fellow Cowboys fan, and the one that shared the pictures of the new Cowboys Stadium with Will? Well, I have had to do a few of those care plans but I left the hospital that night with a heavy heart. You ever meet people and immediately see their light and know they are special? I had that experience with Will and your amazing family. I also knew that Will was in his last days. As you know this is sort of a small area and I happen to live in Jerome so, information spreads and I heard of your blog. I turned that care plan in today, after I did a clinical day at Da Vita. I came home and read the blog in its entirety and cried. I knew I had to wait to read it until I was done with the assignment. I just wanted to let y'all know that I am sorry for your loss. I know that God is doing his amazing work through this. I appreciate Will allowing me to learn about his medical condition and journey. This time I didn't just learn, I grew. Not sure what this growth is for or about but I wanted to give your son and family the credit for being God's instrument.
With God's Love,
Melissa Starnes
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
One week already
Lots of changes as you all can imagine, but we are doing okay. Angel has been our rock, for sure. Where she got all that strength, I don't know. Maybe Will left it too her, because he didn't need it anymore. Who knows??
I am going back to work next week if my mind starts working. I seem to be in a total shutdown right now. I forget a lot of things I am trying to do, so if I haven't called back or answered any questions, I apologize. My school is still the most awesome place to work. My boss told me to take as much time off as I need. Wonderful people there in Bliss. Tom has been battling a cold since the Celebration and has been mostly in bed. He's starting to feel better now.
This has been bothering me for a while now because of all of you that have been following Will's journey. I wanted to make sure that when you think of what Will had to go through after his transplant, that you're not thinking negatively about being an organ donor. That would be such a terrible thing. Even after all Will went through, I asked him if he would do it again, and he said yes, in a heartbeat. He said that was what kept him going was the hope that he would be able to return to his love--coaching. It was not meant to be --but organ donation is a wonderful, wonderful gift of life. There were two lung transplant friends at Will's celebration. I so wanted to have them stand up and let everyone see how well they are doing, but I didn't want to embarrass them. They are living life as they should. Now I will put my efforts into raising awareness about the need for organ donors and to finding a cure for CF. Then people like Will, Tanya, and Sarah wouldn't be needing transplants. RIGHT?!!
The Jerome High School (where Will was coaching) has started a scholarship fund and has raised some good money already, in remembrance of Will. They are planning a basketball tournament every year so they can keep this scholarship going. What a wonderful way to remember Will. He was all for getting kids educated, it was important to him, so this will be a good memorial to him.
Another great way to remember Will is to plant a tree in his name. We had some good friends give us a 15 ft. maple tree to plant on our property in honor of Will. What a great gift. Thanks Henslee clan--love you all lots. We planted it tonight.
Today wasn't the best of days. We went looking for headstones and had to take back all the material we had from the home dialysis place. We also had to pick up his death certificate (because you have to sign papers for that????). So some days are worse than others but I read this in a devotion:
God protects His own. He will not allow you to be tried beyond what you are able to take. And in the middle of it all, He tells you to entrust yourself to His care.
So we trust God to take care of us and when He is ready, the pain will lessen.
You don't know what you are capable of when you're resting in God's strength and not your own. We're going to get through this one way or another. It's not going to last forever and the whole family will get through it - because God is faithful.
If you haven't written your fun memory of Will, please do so. You can't imagine how much they are helping us. Tom, Aaron, Angel and I are enjoying them so much. Thank you for sharing those with us. If you want to just email them to me it's and that's okay to do also.
Thank you for your continued prayers for our family. We feel the love everyday surrounding us. That's also God's doing.
Monday, November 9, 2009
My nieces, Billie and Christi, helped put a slide show presentation for everyone to see. Billie somehow (it's magic) made it small enough to fit on here. Thanks so much for doing that, Billie. So if you weren't able to attend the celebration and you want to see Will in his different stages of life--push play. Let me know if you enjoyed it.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2009
Will passed away tonight at 6:45 pm. It was one of the most peaceful
experiences that I have ever seen. He was in a lot of pain and very tired. He decided that it was time. It's so easy to decide when the decision is done for you. Will was surrounded by friends and family, so many, that the room could barely hold everyone. We were laughing and joking and then Will wasn't there any more. It was a very peaceful death and we are so sorry that it had to happen, but rest assured, there wasn't any pain.
If any one had read this blog, you know that I believe God is good. His blessing was that most of the family was able to say goodbye and share funny stories with Will. He could hear, I believe, up to the end and he's up there laughing still. He died as he lived, on his terms, when he's good and ready. We were well taken care of by the beautiful people up on fourth floor. That's Will's old stomping ground and he felt right at home.
He was loved.
I will write more later, I am burned out.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday night
Will will have to have another dialysis tomorrow morning because they couldn't take very much fluid off because his blood pressure wouldn't stay up. I think they only were able to take off 0.24 kilos and he needed to take off about 3. So maybe tomorrow it will be better.
They still won't let Kayli come up and visit Uncle Will. She's getting mad and Will just can't understand why they won't let her. We have to explain it to him several times. I think I can fit her into one of my book bags if she would just be quiet, but Kayli is a lot like her mom (and maybe her Grandma too) she just can't stay quiet for long. We will see.
Take care and have a great Tuesday. I will post again tomorrow night. Take care.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday night-Happy Halloween
And it wouldn't be complete without a little picture of my mom's dog, Tinker, with her costume. She makes a terrific witch.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
not again
This is just another little bump in the road but he is getting good care. Will was allowed to be on the fourth floor which is the floor that he "grew up" on. Most of the nurses he has-- he has known for a lot of years. It feels like home to him and they do give him the VIP treatment. Coach and Donna came up to see if he's being taken care of (I know, Christi and all you other English majors, that you don't end a sentence with a participle but I don't care tonight -lol). They left after a few minutes because he was trying so hard to stay awake and he couldn't. Hopefully he will sleep (with the help of good drugs) for the next few days. We don't know the time frame or anything right now. I will keep you all posted.
By the way, yes, Dr. Cahill is on top of all this, and everything is getting checked by her. She said this is what she would be doing in Salt Lake if she had Will up there. So we might as well stay close to home and friends. The sad thing is the hospital isn't allowing anyone under the age of 18 to visit on any floor. So we don't get to see Kayli, I think that's where Will is feeling the real pain.
I will post tomorrow night. Happy Halloween and don't eat too much candy.
Thank you for your prayers.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
home sweet home
Will got out of the hospital just in time to get over to the dialysis center for our training. We were able to get him to the driest weight yet. I hope we have the pain issue under control as we will see in the next couple of days. Will was just getting home when he had visitors waiting for him. It was great to see these three girls. He coached them his last real year of coaching. They were very special to him and now they are all in college training to be teachers. Wow, it's hard to believe. They didn't stay long enough, but Will was really tired and I think they saw that. Coach Clark and Brent came over to say hi to the girls and welcome Will back home. So everyone was gone in about 30 minutes and then Will just unwound.
We will be continuing with the training and we really think this is working well for Will, having dialysis six times a week, for a little shorter time. It's not so hard on the body. Can't wait until we can start training at home. My boss is so good about letting me have three afternoons a week for training. Everyone has been stepping up to help me out in the classroom. I have said it before, but Bliss is just the best school in the world!!! I love everyone there.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
wonderful week and wonderful weekend and the promised pictures
Here are the three cousins that were watching the Dallas game on Sunday. Shannon came down from Mnt. Home for the day and they just laughed and yelled and cursed (not with Kayli in the room). They came out at half time because it was such a beautiful day. The Cowboys were winning and Kayli needed some air.
The next two pictures are of Katie Rose, her sweet baby, Bella Rose, and sis, Shane. They all stopped in because they were in town for my good friend's Susan's (their mom) birthday.
It had been a long time since we have seen them also.
Bella was fascinated with Kayli. Poke
Here is a good friend, Camille, with her new husband that we haven't met yet. Will likes him because he's a Dallas fan. I like him because he's got a good smile. It was so good to see Camille again. We hadn't seen her in over a year. They live in Pocatello and just stopped by for a minute.
Here's a picture of Will with them.
Faith and Nino relaxing together which is strange because she can't really relax---ever.
Here is a picture of Nino with Faith just hamming it up.
So hope you enjoy the pictures and again I can't say enough about how blessed we are to have such wonder, caring friends and family. I can't imagine this journey without you all.