Kayli pulled herself up in her crib and she's even crawling on all fours now. It won't be long before she's walking. She is 8 months old and the smartest baby that has ever lived (I think that's the Grandma in me escaping).
What a great day we had remembering Will's birthday last Sunday.
We celebrated Will's birthday with a great big party. We had lots of family and friends come from all over. Then we probably told every stupid story we could on Will. No, I take that back. There wouldn't be enough time in a year to do that. Will was always pulling tricks on people and making everyone laugh. No, I take that back (again). He didn't laugh a lot during his games, did he? That was his serious side. But mainly he made us laugh.
So back to what I was saying... We were having fun and that was what we all wanted to be doing to honor Will's birthday. We know that there were many, many people that wanted to be here and couldn't, so I just wanted you all to know that we felt like you were here in spirit. We hope you celebrated in your own way. Many balloons were let off on Friday and are floating somewhere up there with happy thoughts with them.
We got Will's bench placed just in time for his birthday celebration. Everybody got to go to the cemetery who wanted to and see it. Some of you won't be able to get here, so I thought I would put a picture of the front of it on here to share with you. It ended up looking better than I thought. On the top of the bench it reads "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Good, huh!
It's a very peaceful place.