Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008 2:10 am

Ok, so sometimes we don't get everything we want. After all that bragging on the beautiful room with windows, we aren't going to be able to stay. In the last 24 hours Will hasn't been doing as well as they wanted him to be. So we are going to have to go back to ICU. This ICU is one that we haven't been to yet. It's called intermediate intensive care. It's for those that need more nursing care than floor care, but not one-on-one nursing.

I know that some of you are upset that this is a major setback, but it isn't really a big deal. It just is a little bump in the road.

God said, "Not yet"

Remember how I said in an old blog-- God answers all prayers three ways:

1) Yes

2) Not Yet

3) I have something better in mind

So this is the "not yet." Will just wasn't ready for this floor. So we must be needing to go to the new floor for a very important reason. Every time a little bump in the road happens, we all get to experience God's love and mercy. His path for Will is, and has been, an amazing journey filled with God's love and miracles. What a testimony of the power of prayers also. I guess what I'm trying to do is to make all of you feel better, because I know you will be bummed about this. Don't be. We're not. Will won't let us. Besides I did all my dancing in this nice room yesterday so I don't need this big of room after all that. We will get back here real soon, I know.

Here's what has been happening. he's gained over 14 pounds of fluid in the last 24 hours. He has definitely gotten much weaker (he can no longer stand up) and he's needing more oxygen. I wish I had some answers as to why this keeps happening, but the drs. are scratching their heads also. He has been having a hard time staying awake for any length of time. Even last night when his cousin, Danny, came down to watch the game with him, he fell asleep before the overtime. He wasn't too happy about that because he knows he lost the chance to see one of the better games in a long time.

We were supposed to move over to our new home this afternoon (Tuesday) but there wasn't any rooms available. So we should be moving this morning, maybe. I will let you know when it happens. We got some beautiful flowers today from our home church to brighten up our new room. Thank you everybody. We won't be able to take them back to ICU but we will make sure someone here gets to enjoy them.

Our friend Tanya gets to go home from the hospital today. She is the other Cf person that needs to have a lung transplant. We have been praying for her everyday. It will happen soon, Tanya, hang in there.

My sweet Aunt Charlotte has finally been released from all her pain and suffering. My mom was able to be with her till the end and I appreciate all the prayers. There was a great sigh of relief when it was over. No one wanted her to suffer anymore. Her husband and son were with her also. God has a new loving angel with him now.

God is still working with Will and working with all of you that are praying so hard for us. He is an amazing God with great plans for Will. All the glory goes to Him.

I will update today sometime. God bless


karrie/mom said...

It's hard when we get an answer from God that says "No" or "Not Yet," but he really does know what is best. I have always admired your positive attitude, Harbison's. Keep it up. God is continuing to use Will, even as he is struggling to get stronger. Look at all the lives he is touching. The first thing every morning I come upstairs and print off your newest blog and Jeff takes it to the shop for the guys. Jeff says that there is somebody reading it everytime he walks by. You have so many people pulling for you! When Ryan was diagnosed with diabetes at age 6, it was so tough. He was such a little guy. I had a favorite verse that seemed to keep repeating in my head and got me through the hardest times. First Corinthians 10:13. The version I liked best was from the Good News Bible that we were using in a bible study at the time: "Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps His promise and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it and so provide you with a way out." Whenever Ry had an insulin reaction and went into seizures, I remember thinking that God thought I was a lot stronger than I felt I was. I know this is a tough time, but you are all so strong. Just lean on God, he is even stronger and He will never leave us! You're in our prayers. Love, Karrie and Jeff

Jen Holtzen said...

How nice that you guys are visiting all the different rooms in the hospital-spreading the love around if you will! I'm sorry about the little set-back, but I know that your time on the ICU will be short and hopefully worthwhile, maybe some questions will be answered or just some problems Will is having taken care of. I love that you are all keeping such a positive attitude, it makes me smile every morning and forget that I was so frustrated just because my kids were slow eating there cereal...
Have a great day, better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow is going to be! Scott, Jen, Traj, Ryk, and Dax

Emily said...

Sending you guys BIG hugs!! Check out my blog if you get a chance,

Anonymous said...

Terri, Tom, and Will,
You are all in our prayers! I am amazed and encouraged more and more everyday by your strength and positive attitude. God picked your family to teach us all these enlightening lessons! For everything I thank you!!!!
Hang in there! I know God has a reason and we are not always suppose to understand. Will I truly feel like you are teaching these doctors so much more about transplants and how to do it better each time.
Lots and lots of love and prayers coming your way. Oh, sunshine too! Heard your weathers been a little snowy. We've had the rain for the last five days, finally sunny skies today!

Somer Love said...

Love ya guys!!!! Sending you lots of hugs and prayers!!

Keep your chins up! Terri Yo are so positive and you are so strong keep it up!!

Will don't let this lil bump get you down. YOu will get back to that nice big room in no time. Maybe you didn't drink enough pepsi :) Let me now if I need to bring some up in bulk.

Julianne said...

Hello to the great Harbisons...just want you all to know how totally FABULOUS you warmest wishes are with each of you

Erin said...

Your attitude amazes me. I wish I had a fraction of the strength you all have. I am thinking of you always. My mom is down there for a few days so don't hesitate to call her. She's always been my rock. I can loan her to you for a while. :) You're in my prayers Will!

Love you,