Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb. 12, 2009 Thursday

So sorry I didn't get this up until this morning, Just getting spacey in my old age (no commenting allowed on this, Randy).
Will had a good workout with his physical therapist. They have him walking mostly for endurance. Then after that he went outside and walked around the house once. The sun was out but it was cold.

Coach came over for a visit and they talked about all the upcoming games. Tonight we are going to Jerome to watch them play for placement at state. Will is going to try to figure out dialysis days so he can make it up to state to watch the girls. It's in Boise.

Have a good Thursday
God bless


Coach said...

Will, please set your Mother straight when she says old age is making her spacey. She has been this way since I've known her. She can't blame this on old age. Maybe going to Boise with Donna Saturday contributed to it some what. I can't even imagine that conversation up and back and I don't want to even think about it.
See at the game tonight.

Haneys said...

Good luck, Jerome girls! Have fun, Will!