Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, Sept. 30th 12:45 am

Will's day wasn't so good. He just didn't feel well and he wasn't breathing too well. He tried to go off the vent for a while but then he couldn't keep his 02 up so he had to go back on the vent. Hopefully this will be just a bad day and not anything more. He slept for most of the day. Dr. Cahill came back from her meetings and she told Will to just ignore today and get up and going tomorrow. Good advice. Please pray that there's no infections or anything else going on.

Tanya (our friend that had a lung transplant last week) is doing okay. She had a bronch done today and anyone keeping up with Will's blogs know what that is all about. So she was sleeping when Tom went down to see her. Tomorrow she will have a good day and Tom will get to visit. Will won't be going down to visit any time soon. Not a good idea for a while.

This is a short week at school so I will be going down on Wednesday night after school. Tom will come on home for a long weekend.

What beautiful weather we have been having. I know it won't last but it's so wonderful to have for a little bit.

God bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your day was a little rocky today Will! We are praying for you...
Terri, that is great news that you will have some extra time in SLC. Good for TLC!!!!
Talk to you soon,