Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Sept. 22, 2008 12:30 am


I'm back home in Hagerman tonight. Tom was back in SLC about 6:00 and then I left about 7:00. My Aunt Gloria and Uncle Bill sent up some fresh fruit from their orchard to give to the nurses and staff. I wonder if that's the reason we don't get to go home. They would lose their fresh fruit??? Hmm...something to think upon.

Will and I went outside today. We found a shady place where nobody was around (because Will is still having lots of trouble with his vomiting) and we sat there and enjoyed the breeze. It was so nice and we didn't want to go back in but all good things must come to an end (I can't remember whose quote that was). He took a good nap and then Danny and friends came up to watch the Dallas game. They decorated his room and I do have pictures but I'm too tired to put them on tonight. I will tomorrow. For those of you that didn't watch--Dallas won YEA!!!!

Dr. Cahill will order something tomorrow so Will can get that MRI done. There is some talk that the same thing that took his vision during surgery might have caused something to go wrong with his inner ear or something. Maybe some type of vertigo. So they need to play this through and find out whether or not it's the reason. The only way they can check is to do that brain MRI. They have tested almost everything else to try to stop the vomiting every time he moves.
So hopefully this will tell them something. Pray for him to be able to get the MRI done in the next couple of days.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and are ready to go back to work.
God bless


Haneys said...

Reading your bubbly blog this early in the morning is better than caffeine! I am glad you got to enjoy the fall air and am hoping for answered questions with the MRI results. Can't wait to see the pics!
Love you all!

Somer Love said...

So glad you got to see T yesterday I am bummed I missed you by 30 min :(

I hope the MRI goes well and that they can get to the bottom of everything!!